VentureBeat usually does a great job of sharing industry metrics, but I found this to be quite silly. Comscore released a report that, amongst other highlights, show that of those surveyed, 2 out 3 people founds ads positively or neutrally affected their game experience. I’d love to see the breakdown between those that said ads positively impacted their experience versus those that are neutral. I have to believe that the latter far outweighs the former group. And by neutral, they find the ads to be completely useless and forgettable, but ultimately allow them to play a game for free, so “meh.”

Otherwise, the highlights they shared from the Comscore report are somewhat interesting, if not expected. 40% of gamers are playing across all major platforms - PC, console, and mobile - which aligns with my experience and observations. People spend thirty times more of their time gaming than watching movies in the theater which, while expected, is also shame as I love watching movies in the theater and I feel like they are missing out. 🎮